Video: NYOIL - Father Father

Who said hiphop is all bad? NYOil is one of my favorite rappers.

This video was produced by NYOIL (the artist) with the help of supporters from all over the world that sent PICTURES of themselves with their children or pictures of them and their fathers to help create this heartfelt tribute to Fatherhood and its TRUE importance as a binding element in the fabric of our lives.
Take a moment to enjoy this wonderful piece of film from Petroleum Empire Media Group!


  1. Anonymous14/1/09 19:44

    Beautiful piece! I'm going to check out more of nyoil's songs!

  2. Anonymous15/1/09 15:46

    I thought NYOIL was a one hit wonder with "Yall should all get lynched" but he keep coming harder each time. This track is BANGIN!

  3. Beautiful girl & daddy's a cutie...I'm not just sayin it cuz they're mine! 4:05


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